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Category: Home Page Articles

Pewaukee Pack 13 Volunteer Opportunities

Pack 13 has a number of volunteer positions available for the upcoming scouting year (and beyond). A list and description of our main openings can be found below:

  • Committee Chairperson – Coordinates monthly Parent, Committee, Leader meetings, fulfills rechartering requirements, act as a contact and liason between the Council Office and the Pack, and works alongside the Cubmaster to nurture and grow the Pack.
  • Recruitment Coordinator – Oversee the Spring and Fall recruiting efforts for Pack 13, contact the Pack’s Council representative and area schools prior to key “Join Scouting” campaigns to coordinate flyer creation and distribution.
  • Pack Secretary – Record meeting minutes for publication on the Pewaukee Pack 13 website.
  • Event Coordinator – Assist with coordinating and planning Pack events and outings throughout the year.

Of course, if you’d like to assist in an event-by-event capacity, we’d gladly accept that help as well.

If you are interested in volunteering with Pack 13, please fill out the form below:

Welcome to Cub Scouts!

If you’re new to Scouting, you may have some questions about how the program runs. To get you up to speed, here is a brief video detailing the basics of the Cub Scouting program, from Lions to Webelos.



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